Run: Fartlek Previous Next


11:35 AM

4.7 mi


5:19 mi


Treadmill Fartlek: 10 x 90" on, 60" steady

Ons - 11.8, 11.9, 4 x 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4

Steady's were all at 10.0

Wanted to do some sort of faster effort today to get ready for Club Relays in a couple weeks. Was going to do a 400 workout outside, but snowed again last night, so opted for a treadmill variation. This ended up being pretty tough, but really had fun on this workout. Other than the last 2 on's, I felt that the off sections were the most challenging part of this. No one interval was too hard, but I was tired by the end. Felt like I could have done a few more, but the treadmill's speed was maxed out and I already had more miles than I needed today.

Rolled, mobility, push-ups afterwards.



c u there