Run: Easy Previous Next


12:06 PM

4.4 mi


7:01 mi


161 bpm
184 bpm


30 F
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First run in a minute after taking a few weeks to try and strengthen my right heel/achilles area. Seemed rock solid during the run, so maybe we've finally put this whole injury in the rear view mirror. Here's to hoping.

First run from the new apartment in Forest Park. Ran during WFH. Didn't want to go too far, and wanted to stay close to home in case I needed to stop, so just did an ~2 mile box around the neighborhood twice. Pretty solid route actually, only a couple potential stopping points, so this was more or less continuous. Plus the sidewalks were clear for the most part. Had no concept of pace, was just out there running. Felt great the first loop, a bit tired during the second loop. Looking forward to building from here.

LM + heel drops before. Statics after. Core/mobility later.
