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Minimus Road

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<No name>


Warm Up

Lap around building ~400m

calf stretch

30 volleyball jumps against wall

Coach set up 5 stations, 30 seconds at each station

1. bumper plate for lateral jumps onto plate

2. thicker plate for jumping on off quickly

3. 2 plates for fast alternating feet

4. 12 inch box for box jumps with intent to rebound quickly

5. 16 inch box for box jumps with intent to rebound quickly

I don't rebound quickly.

For time:

800m Run

50 KB Swings 1.5/1pd [20#]

40 Double Unders [attempts]

30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups [green + red]

20 Hand Release Push Ups [kneeling]

10 Overhead Squats 135/95lb [35#]

800m Run


Post WOD:

Sled Push

3 X 30m (15m High Side/15m Low Side = 30m)

sled + 90# (I think)

Then did 6 GHD sit ups

Coach advised that I need to work on lumbar curve during kb swings. OHS weren't very deep.
