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Pistol Practice


Team WOD 5 from “Fitober Fest”

Teams of 3

For Time:

500m Row

20 Overhead Squats 115/75lb [25#]

20 Bar Hop Burpees [20 ring rows followed by 20 bar hops]

*Each athlete must complete all 3 components of the WOD before the next athlete begins.

**Athletes must jump off of both feet and land on both feet on the bar hop burpees. Hips do not need to fully extend.


Who knew there were so many ways to work on pistol skills? First we tried doing rolls, with and without dumbbell for counterweight. A few times I was able to actually roll onto my feet and stand without the dumbbell but I think that is because there was a mat underneath me. Also used the boxes by putting one leg up on box and then loading that leg and lift bottom leg up. I was better at this with right leg then with left. But not particularly good.

For wod, I didn't want to do burpees for shoulder's sake. I asked Coach Justin how my shoulders looked during the OHS and he said they looked stable, which is good.
