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16 Minutes to complete:

4 X Max Reps KB or DB Snatch 1.5/1pd (alternate R/L arm every other round)

4 X Max Reps Ring Dips

*alternating from KB Snatch to Ring Dips

**KB/DB Snatch are from the hang

subbed 25kg front squats and ring rows

5/11, 4/12, 6/11, 8/13


Individual WOD 3 & 4 from “Fitober Fest”

5 Minute AMRAP:

7 Deadlifts 275/185lb

30 Double Unders

*Scaled 185/135lb and 75 Singles

did 93#, 90 singles

3 rds + 7 DL

Rest 1 Minute

During this minute you will load the bar to whatever weight you choose for the ground to overhead. Power output (weight x reps) will be calculated for total score.

2 Minute AMRAP:

Ground to Overhead

11 @ 45#

Well, have decided to be more cautious about what I do with shoulder. At last chiro appt, the chiro said I could have a tear that I just keep re-tearing when I do stuff. He suggested to keep working out but keep the weights light so I am still using the shoulder but not putting extra stress on it.

During the warm up the snatches were making my right arm shoulder feel twingy. So Coach Jess had me sub front squats and ring rows. For the front squats my wrists were giving out first. By the last round I was getting better about holding the bar up better.

Deadlifts felt easier this time around.
