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Minimus Road

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<No name>


For Time:

5 Back Squats (80% or 1RM Shoulder Press) [35#]

10 KB Swings 1.5/1pd [18#]

5 Back Squats [35#]

10 KB Swings 1.5/1pd [18#]

5 Back Squats [35#]

10 KB Swings 1.5/1pd [18#]

5 Push Press (80% or 1RM Shoulder Press) [35#]

15 Burpees

5 Push Press [35#]

15 Burpees

5 Push Press [35#]

15 Burpees

100 Sit-up

50 Back Extensions/Good Mornings [Good Mornings with 7kg bar]


Coming into this workout I honestly believed that there was no way I could do 100 sit ups. I could still remember how much I struggled the last time we did 1/2 Angie and that was only 50 sit ups. But I did them in sets of 10 and got through. Burpees were wretched, slow and ugly.
