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Minimus Road


Warm Up

Little bit of rowing. Short burst of rowing for watts. Got to 180 for sure, possibly 185. Very lame compared to others.


KB deadlifts, swings

Shoulder bar smash

Shoulder lax ball against wall

10 front squats with 33# bar


Gymnastics Focus:

Hollow Body, Hollow Rock, Superman & Push Up

Test – 10 Chest to deck Push Ups.

*if someone cannot perform at least 10 chest to deck push ups, then they will be required to do hand release push ups until they can demonstrate the ability.

**if someone cannot perform 5 chest to deck push ups, then they will be required to perform their push ups from their knees until they can demonstrate the ability.


“Tabata” 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest

4 sets of each movement for Max Reps:

Push Ups (weighted with a plate for those who can perform at least 10 ctd push ups) [10# db press]: 34

Hollow Rock: 32

Super Man:60


12 Minute AMRAP:

20 Hand Release Push Ups [10# db press]

40 Jumping Lunges [very little jumping]

20 KB Swings 1.5/1pd [25# Russian]

First workout in awhile. Push ups were hurting my shoulder so I did 10# db presses while lying on my back instead. Those weren't entirely pain-free but much more bearable than push ups. Hollow rocks, not sure if I was really doing those correctly. Ditto for supermans. Supermans felt almost too easy so I must have not been doing them correctly. Supermans did aggravate my right shoulder a bit. Putting arms in more of a Y position helped but I don't know if I should have been doing that.
