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Minimus Road

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15 Minute time cap, (for quality):

50 Strict Pull Ups [red + green]

50 Strict Dips [green, then blue + red, then blue + purple]

(add/change weight if possible/when needed)

(break up in any amount)



“Tabata” – 8 rounds of 20s of work, followed by 10s of rest

Pistols (alternating legs) [44, with pole]

(rest 3 min)

V-Up [46]

(rest 3 min)

Handstand hold against wall (facing the wall) [2]

Couldn't quite manage green + purple for pull ups today so went with red + green. The dips were too easy with green band put too hard with just blue band. Eventually Coach Jessica helped me get sorted out with blue + purple for my last 10 dips. I was a bit paranoid about the dips because that is how I messed up my shoulder in the first place. So today I tried to be very vigilant about form.

Pistols were eh. I held onto a pole but probably didn't get as deep as I should have due to the fact that I was trying to get more reps. Should have focused more on form, tsk. The V ups were ridiculous. My core softened up a lot and my back was arching up. Lost count so 46 is just a guess. For handstands we were supposed to walk up the wall but I cannot do that so I just hung out midway. After the first 2 rounds I just couldn't hold them for the entire 20 seconds because my shoulder was crapping out. Oddly enough, my shoulder felt really good after doing the handstands.
