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Minimus Road

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<No name>


Skill Work:

3 X 10

Strict Pull Ups [2 sets with green + purple, last set with green + red]

Strict Ring Dips [roman chair, blue band]

Strict Handstand Push Ups [handstand practice]

12 Minute AMRAP:

200m Run

4 Toes-to-Bar [hang on bar, flail legs around]

8 Burpees

12 Russian KB Swings 1.5/1pd [25#]

3 rds + 4 burpees

Woo hoo, I actually got my feet up against the wall during handstand practice! Had 3 abmats under my head and I could feel that my head was touching them so my arms probably weren't locked out as much as they should have been. But just getting both legs up against the wall is BIG for me. It was something that I found pretty scary before.
