TEAM Fitness: Strength Previous Next



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Today's workout consisted of rounds of squats with dumbbells (12 lbers for me), dumbbell rows (I used 12lb ones for a few rounds and 8lb ones for a couple rounds), jump squats, burpees with weights, 1 minute of push ups (I still suck at these, even on my knees), 1 arm push up holds (on my knees, 30 seconds each side, I think trainer is preparing us for 1 arm push ups, eek), reverse lunges with dumbbells (tweaked my knee on the last set), 1 minute plank holds. Overall, I feel like this was a pretty solid workout. My body is feeling pleasantly achy right now. Afterwards, I did 10 minutes on the arc trainer and 12 min on the elliptical. Am not going to bother logging these though. First time with arc trainer. Could feel it in my butt and thighs. Not sure if arc trainer is good to do or not?
