TEAM Fitness: Cardio Previous Next



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We did a little warm up and then did the dreaded (for me) 12 minute run test. I didn't pace myself well enough and ended up with a slightly lower result than last time -- 1.10 this time versus 1.11 the first time. But since I had a very hard 6 miler yesterday I am OK with it. Then did some a couple 4 minute zone 4 StairMaster intervals alternating with -2 incline treadmill jogs. First time I was at 4.5 mph mostly because I don't like/am not used to running downhill. Second time trainer bumped me up to 5.5mph and that was OK so I guess I could have handled that all along. Also did zone 3 walking at 15 incline for what seemed forever. I tried to embrace it now that I know what running on hills feels like in real life. Trainer's parting words were something about a burpee test on Friday ... something he made up ...
