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<No name>


Have missed 9 days of CrossFit due to school book fair all last week.

Good to be back!

4 Minute Max Calorie Row [46 cals]

3 Minutes Max Rep Pull Ups [24 green + red]

2 Minutes of Max Rep Bodyweight Back Squat (3/4 BWT for Females) [19 @ 30kg]

1 Minute of Max Rep Push Press/Jerk 135/95lb [11 @ 50#]

(Resting exactly 60 seconds between each station)

Post WOD:

3 X 10 Ring Dips [blue band on rings]

3 X 10 GHD Sit Ups [10 only]

3 X 10 Good Mornings [15kg bar]

Hit a new CrossFit milestone lol -- got all way back on the GHD. With previous attempts I was way too scared to go all the way back but this time the coach spotted me from the back for a few and then I got more comfortable. I only did 10 since this is something I'm not used to at all. Also first time doing ring dips on the rings instead of the roman chair.
