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Minimus Road



15 minutes to complete:

3×3 1 Arm Barbell Shoulder press [17.5# R & L]

3×3 1 Arm Barbell Push Press or Push Jerk [25# R & L]

(record heaviest load for left and right arm for each movement)

(use two hands to get the bar up to shoulder and back down to your shoulder)

(use the dumbbells if pressing less than 35lbs-do not drop empty barbells)


For Time:

500m Row

50 Box jumps 24/20″ [18" blue]

50 Sit Ups

50 Walking Lunges (steps)

500m Row

Even though I was doing less than 35# I used barbell (15#) anyway. Was quite the challenge to keep the barbell straight and balanced, esp during the strict press. The push presses were better but still hard. My hands were very sweaty so made gripping the bar difficult. Was kind of fun though. Woman next to me was doing 53# and I was in awe.

Conditioning WOD was OK. Wasn't thrilled about the box jumps but I felt less fearful using the cushioned block. The 2nd row was not fun.

After wod, I told Coach Justin I didn't want to do kneeling push ups anymore because they don't seem to be getting me anywhere so he offered some alternate options -- using band or a racked barbell. I really have to focus on pulling my shoulder blades back so that my shoulder doesn't hurt.
