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12 minutes to complete 5 sets:

Barbell Walking Lunge- 20m

(record heaviest load)

50#, only 4 sets


10 Minute AMRAP:

5 Deadlift (@ bodyweight) [93#]

20 Push Ups [kneeling]

4 rds + 9 push ups

I will admit I was being lame about the walking lunges. I really should have 1. tried heavier weight 2. gotten in that 5th set. It wasn't until the 4th set that I felt the lunges in my glutes so I think I might have been doing them incorrectly. Didn't do the 5th set because I thought we were done but we weren't. Oops.

Push ups for the wod were terrible. I wasn't even doing push ups. More like collapsing on ground while trying to push body back up in a sad, snake-y way. Some of this is because right shoulder is weak but also I think I just have a weak core in general. I've been thinking that the kneeling push up is not going to help me ever get to a real push up.
