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1 mile TT


3 x 8 Bulgarian Split Squat



1 Mile Run


1 Minute AMRAP:

Ring Dips [green band]


1 Minute AMRAP:

Chest-to-Bar Pull ups [blue + green]


Turkish Get up Practice

0 (ran out of time)

I happened to wake up in the middle of the night so I check the WOD for today. Wasn't too happy to see 1 mile time trial. Was seriously considering skipping today. But I knew cherry picking WODs isn't going to do me any favors. So I went. Bulgarian split squats are very difficult for me; I am not getting enough depth. Then we did our run. It was full on sunny and probably high 70s/low 80s (aaargh). But breezy so that helped. Running loops around the building is pretty boring though. I'm happy enough with 10:32. I was fearing I'd be closer to 12. Ring dips, eh. Learned I have not been doing chest to bar pull ups correctly since my chest was never actually touching the bar. Somehow I had made myself believe that getting my chest to bar height was enough. Nope. I had started with red and green bands but moved to blue and green (easier) to make sure I could get my chest to touch.
