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Minimus Road

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Warm Up

400m run with med ball [10#]

10 Med ball cleans

PVC mobility

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


7 min AMRAP



Went to noon class. Temp must have been up to 90, at least high 80s, and very sunny. So, OF COURSE, I wanted nothing more to do than run around the building carrying a large 10# ball. I never quite figured out the best way to hold it. Most of the time I held it in front of me with two hands like a big ol' belly. Towards the end it seemed better to carry with 1 arm over one shoulder. Coach Butch actually wanted the women to use 14# but I went with 10. We also did 10 med ball cleans. I don't think I've done a med ball clean since Foundations. I remember I struggled horribly with them then but today they were fine.

I think this is my first time doing clean & jerks. Today I decided not to figure out the weight until I was done. I did attempt 80# a couple times but I just couldn't clean that. I think I was pulling from the floor too fast but my mind was freaking me out a bit and I was more concerned with getting the weight up than proper form. Oops.

Initially I was freaked out about 7 min of burpees but I told myself it is what it is and that I could go at my own pace. I think I may have slowed down a little too much though.
