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Minimus Road

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For Time:

21 OHS @ 65% of 1RM Snatch [30#]

400m Run

15 OHS @ 65% of 1RM Snatch [30#]

400m Run

9 OHS @ 65% of 1RM Snatch [30#]

400m Run


Post WOD:

50 Wallball Shots [6#]

(Select a Medicine ball weight that you can break up WBS in sets of no less than 10 reps.)

Warm Up

200m run with 14# med ball. Coach Butch would not allow anyone to scale the weight, boo. Men's weight was 20# I think.

10 reverse burpee pull ups. Did jumping pull ups off box. Could not do reverse burpee without using hands. And before today, I had no idea that reverse burpees even existed.

I haven't been sleeping well and have been eating not so well, so I felt a bit tired and pukey when I arrived at the gym. I wasn't even sure I would be able to make it through the workout. But once I got going I felt fine. Which means that the "trust your body" philosophy doesn't really work with me because I'd just let myself wimp out all the time.

All my snatches were power snatches. Squat snatch needs much more work. But any rate I'm pleased with 50#. Did try 52.5# but failed. I think it's more of a technique issue.

For the WOD, 65% of 50 is 32.5# but I figured I'd stick with 30# since my OHS tends to be weak. The squats took me awhile and I was the last to finish, which is pretty normal.

Managed to do sets of 10 for the wall balls but I took my time with them and took longer than necessary breaks between sets.

Afterwards, I did 9 pull ups with purple + green bands, 10 ghd sit ups, 10 back extensions.
