Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

1.00 mi6:25.176:26Fifth Avenue Mile9/26/2009View Race
1.70 mi13:097:45Central Park - Lower Loop10/2/2010View Race
1.74 mi13:267:44PPTC Lake Loop Picnic Relay6/25/2011View Race
5.00 km22:46.077:20PPTC Speed Series Race7/6/2011View Race
3.35 mi25:44.697:42Prospect Park Circuit1/1/2010View Race
4.04 mi32:12.727:59Central Park NYRR 4 Mile Course11/21/2010View Race
5.00 mi38:29.227:42NYRR Team Championships8/6/2011View Race
5.06 mi41:41.618:15Central Park - 5 miler8/7/2010View Race
10.00 km48:24.797:48Bed Stuy Community 10K10/9/2011View Race
6.27 mi1:08:43.1710:58Leatherman's Loop - Pound Ridge Reserve5/1/2011View Race
9.30 mi1:30:08.049:42Ted Corbitt 15k12/17/2011View Race
10.00 mi1:19:57.528:00Cherry Tree 10M (3x PP)2/21/2010View Race
Half Marathon1:48:09.348:14Binghamton Bridge Run Half Marathon5/15/2011View Race
42.00 km5:20:1612:17NYC Marathon11/6/2011View Race