Run: Long Previous Next


9:10 AM

13.1 mi


7:31 mi


72 F
  • Map

what's that?


I'm pleased with the way this run went. At no point did I feel strained or like I was pushing myself. I was nice and comfortable and didn't check my watch. It turns out though that I ran the first mile 8:08, miles 2-8 7:32 pace, 9-12 7:22 pace and the last mile 7:12. So I was able to feel good and maintain/negative split the entire time.

I had only wanted to do 12 miles, but the loop ended up being longer than anticipated. So I went to 13 and walked the rest of the way.

I made sure to pay attention to form and posture, so I reset every mile. I also played a game that I call "What's that?" It's to help me look up more when I run. Basically I find points ahead of me that's either a sign I look at til I can read it, or find weird things that I see how long it takes me to identify.


Maddie Dery

I play the what's that game too! Since I have such bad vision it keeps me occupied a long time haha


hahahaha you should wear your glasses :'D