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5:00 AM



190.6 lb
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Day four of Karate Winter Special Training.

Oi zuki, mai geri, warmup in place.

San-Oizuki x5;

Mai geri jodan x 5 x 2

Mai geri chudan x 5

Mai geri chudan, followed by mai geri jodan, same leg, x5 x3

Mawashi geri x5 x2

Sparring drill: initiator attacks with jodan oizuki, defender blocks and counters with mawashi geri; each set in rapid succession x 50 each leg; the switch sides.

Go run with bricks.

Tim defends jodan oizuki attacks in rapid succession (for being late)

rotate through all combinations: two attackers and one defender - jodan, chudan, maigeri.

mawashi geri training against the metal pole

kanku dai x 6

running drill, side shuffle, grapevine, kick heels back, high knees, frog hops.
