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4:00 AM

22 mi


12:36 mi


181 lb


30 F


6 / 10


Started alone at MADD and went out fast to do a quick out and back so I could meet Brett Mills. Brett was late, so I went on back to the far gate and had a cumulative time of 58:35 including about a 10 minute run while waiting for Brett. 48 minutes to the far gate in the dark! Holy smokes, I was moving! I returned to Twin Coves and back to the far gate in 34:36, then did about 55 back to the MADD shelter where Shauna and Brett were waiting. I stood around a bit waiting for Michael and got really stiff. This never let up on the way to Rockledge, legs just never felt the same. Also, I forgot to take any food, gel or anything, so I was BONKING pretty badly! Started out great but ended up pretty weak! NOT the way I want to end my last long run before Rocky!
