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  • Exercises


cut out the legs today as I've been bleeding a bit more lately (possibly related)

Also only did one round of abs, but added a one hand wood chop (awesome) and a flailing superman switching hands with the weight (awesome) Invented both names as I've never seen anyone do or name these exercises.

Primary workout:

12 rounds of shoulder, bicep shoulder/back, bicep same concept as usual heavy first bicep and light/slow on the second bicep. First shoulder is weighted 2nd is on the pull up bar (handstand pushups every 3rd round)

Followed up with I think 4 rounds of

bench dips

Heavy chest row (60 lbs and slow - very strong on this today)

single arm curls (40lbs and slow with a hold at top each time) - like doing only one arm with the other hand empty forces some core engagement to stay stable.

light chest row (very slow and 40lbs)

then a chest press (mixed it up each time, but some combination of an alternating single arm press, a squeeze press, and a regular press; stayed light since this isn't day - 60lbs)

For a while I've been doing chest and tri for my first workout and back/bi for my second workout and I like the results I've had; however I'm starting to take time to touch on the other muscle group a little bit in its off workout now as I'm recovering well with the supplements so the extra stimulation will hopefully yield better results. I think the chest results are beginning to show as I've concentrated on it extra for a few more weeks now.
