Run: Race Previous Next


10 mi


5:41 mi


165 lb


8 / 10
1 / 10

Race Result



Incredibly shitty day and race. 17F, feels like 5F, with 20-25mph winds. After the snow/rain last night, 80% of the running surface was packed snow or ice. Definitely almost went down on the second down hill... like a freaking sheet of ice, had to slam on the breaks going down that hill both times during the race. Depressing how slow the splits were... particularly after the high hopes all week. I guess you just can't overcome some race conditions.

mile 1 - 5:39

mile 2 - 5:37

mile 3 - 5:49

mile 4 - 5:49

mile 5 - 5:45

mile 6 - 5:37

mile 7 - 5:27

mile 8 - 5:35

mile 9 - 5:43

mile 10 - 5:40

Also, really annoying finishing up over the last couple miles. Had to weave through hundreds of 5kers. Even bounced off of one lady after she darted right in front of me with about 200yards to go. Definitely a satisfying feeling to finish up a 10mile race and feel like one of the slow 5kers.
