Run: Long Previous Next


19 mi


7:09 mi


165 lb


2 / 10
1 / 10


Wow. One of the least enjoyable experiences of my life. Very hungover. The headache faded after about 1.5 miles, but was replaced by nausea. By mile 10, I felt super sick and was so dehydrated, I was starring longingly at sprinklers and trying to gauge how easy it would be to get a good drink out of various designs. Finally found a water fountain and grabbed a drink... which helped with the dehydration but worsened the nausea. Somewhere between 13 and 14 miles, I finally stopped for a couple minutes in hopes of getting whatever was going on with my stomach to settle down. The stop helped slightly and I was able to death march it the final 5-6 miles. Ugh.
