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3:15 PM

10 mi


6:53 mi



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Nike Campus


Great solo mini workout at the Nike campus. Wasn't sure about doing a bigger workout due to the fact that 3 days prior I had run a hard 17 mile progression run and was still slightly feeling the effects. After warm up I hit the track and was originally planning on doing 4 x 800m and 4 x 200m. I blasted the first 3 and felt great but noticed my legs still felt slighty heavy and not quite 100% (from the long run). So I decided to cut 1, 800 out of the workout. Even though my mind was telling me "ONE MORE REP", my body was saying "Thats good enough for today kid". I figured there is no need to be a hero on my second speed workout back. Also, I have noticed recently that the more patient I am with my training, the better results I am getting. In the past, I would destroy myself in workouts and give 110% on that day. While there is a time and place for that, NOT EVERY workout should be like that. Its better to go at 90% sometimes and save the rest for a race or a more important workout. I heeded my body's demands for more recovery and less high intesity volume. I know I made the right decision and by no means do I feel like I "crapped out of the workout". Soon, I will be doing far greater workouts and racing at a very high level. Recovery is the key. I am happy to see my 800m reps are getting much faster than they used to be. A PR is on the horizon..
