Run: Easy Previous Next


12:18 PM

11 mi


8:37 mi



7 / 10


Easy run in shorts and T-shirt out on the Gales Creek/Storey Burn trail. Had to take advantage of the unusually amazing mid-november weather. Can't remember the last time it was so nice outside in the middle of Nov. Perfect day for a run in every way. I am also happy to report that the Gales Creek Trail extension construction is underway~!! Ran out to the 'Big Washout Ravine', to check for progress and I noticed that a new trail segment had been carved out on the other side of the ravine. Of course I was curious so I crossed the ravine and hiked just a little ways on the new trail on the other side. I absolutely can't wait for this new section to open. From what I briefly saw it is going to be EPIC and well worth the wait! Still can't figure out where they are going to put the bridge that is needed to cross the 'Big Ravine'. Didn't see any sign of bridge construction yet. The rest of the run was uneventful and I stopped a few times to take in the scenery and fresh air. Made sure to go super slow on the uphill segments because I technically should be doing a recovery run today. Body felt slightly fatigued from yesterday's track workout but not bad. Really loosened up at the end and easily ran well under 7 min pace last two miles. I love running out there on days like today. Well worth the trip.
