Run: Interval Previous Next


11:15 AM

10.4 mi


6:30 mi



10 / 10
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Good workout today. Did a mixture of a lot of different things. Started with a few miles warm up across the hwy out 345th to my favorite road interval site (325th Ave). Did a few strides then went right into the 1.07 mi intervals. Both went well but felt really tough. Maybe I am not quite all the way recovered from my 18.3 mile tempo 3 days ago with Chuck. Still, it felt good again to feel the burn of hard interval training. Did another 20 some minutes of easy running back to the bridge where I did 2 x 200m hill sprints. Those also went fine but hurt like hell. More easy running for another almost 3/4 miles then did a final 800m hard to home. Glad to see the speed is still there but when I finished I was maxed out and slightly nauseated. Weather was absolutely perfect today with slightly chill temperature and sunny, blue skies. Glad I got out the door when I did to run. I am very pleased with my effort today and believe I still 'have it'.
