Run: Easy Previous Next


2:39 PM

8 mi


7:11 mi



6 / 10
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Easy run before work in FG. Did 6 miles on David Hill Rd. (soft gravel) then went to the Thatcher Park bark chip trail and did another 2. Perfect day for running. Seems like summer doesn't want to go away. I felt good and relaxed. Taking in the last beautiful days before the rain and shit weather returns. I think the thatcher park bark chip trail is the softest bark chip trail that exists. It would probably be impossible to get injured running on it. Only wish it was longer than just a half mile. I feel lucky to live in close proximity to so many soft surface training locations. I feel like the more soft I run on, the better my body feels and can absorb the miles. I've noticed I have been running less and less on roads lately (other than for workouts). I wish Helen would run more of her easy days on soft, not just her recovery days.
