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1:45 PM

10.5 mi


8:01 mi



9 / 10
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Great workout today with Chuck Coats at Duniway. Workout was 5 mile warm up w/ 4 x 200m hill sprints up Terwilliger then jog recovery + 3 x 1 mile @ 10K pace. Body actually felt good today and while the workout was tough, still felt manageable. Weather was pretty horrible as it rained about half the time we were running. Didn't quite feel like August even though this is the last day of it. Atleast the temperature was warm. Chuck and I traded the lead for most of the laps on the track. Goal was to hit them in 81-83's and we accomplished that most of the time with some faster laps thrown in there as well. Bailed on the last mile and just turned it into an 800 instead as we were pretty tired. It was really nice to be able to pound out a workout like this with someone close by. All too often it is just me out there putting in the hard work, Makes me motivated to perhaps pursue a fall marathon now that I might have a reliable training partner. Not bad for a first workout back since my down time.
