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7:06 AM

13.1 mi


5:47 mi


66 F


9 / 10


Not a good race today. Took it out hard the first couple miles to get right on 1:11 flat pace. Felt ok for a while and then started to fall apart around mile 5. I don't know why. Legs started feeling heavy and unresponsive and my body felt sluggish. Might have been the heat that started getting to me but something just felt off. Middle few miles were terrible. I started to pick it up again late in the race towards the end but it still felt like a struggle to get moving at a respectable pace. I wasn't the only one having a bad day. I noticed Bret Kimple (the guy who beat me at Race for the Roses in 1:11:5X) stop ahead of me and walk for a bit. I asked him if he was ok as I passed by and he said he was having bad cramps. He started running again shortly after and was tailing me for the last few miles but I ended up beating him by a good margin. Not sure where to go from here. I think I might run easy tomorrow and then try for a 5K track PR next week sometime and see what happens. If things continue to feel off, I might just call it a season. I have been feeling drained by my running anyway lately so this may indicate that its time for a break, for how long, that remains to be determined...
