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7:24 AM

9.8 mi


6:34 mi



8 / 10
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North Plains


Today I did the Garlic Festival 10K in North Plains with Helen and Billy. My plan was to actually race this race for myself but things didn't go according to plan. We got there late because Helen forgot her racing flats as we were driving out in the morning and had to turn around and get them. I also made a mistake this morning by drinking a green smoothie with Whey Protein. I thought that an hour and half would be enough time to digest a liquid drink. I was wrong as I experienced minor abdominal pain during the race. We didn't get much more than an a mile warmup in beforehand which was another bad thing. If there is one thing I know about myself its that I really need a few miles to warm up to perform my best, especially for a 5K or 10K race. When the gun went off Billy and I immediately went to the front and lead the first mile of the race. There was a small pack of guys with us who all seemed to be keying off of us. It was good for me as I made sure we went out slow for the first mile (because I didn't get a warmup in). First mile was around 5:40 and I felt very comfortable. I told Billy before the race that I was going to make a move at the beginning of the 1.5 mile hill and drop people. Thats exactly what I did too. Initially, nobody but Billy went with me. We put a good gap on everybody. I thought it would be just Billy and I up the hill until a 24 year old college runner gradually made a move up to us. For the next mile or so, it was the three of us together battling up the hill. When we got to the top, the course went downhill and thats when I began to not feel so good. I only went about another quarter mile before I decided to stop and wait for Helen. The abdominal pain was more pronounced. About 3 mins later, Helen arrived and I paced her the rest of the way to the finish line. I still didn't feel great even though I was running slower than the beginning. I learned my lesson: On race morning, stick to gels and nothing more. Helen won the race with a new PR in 37:30. Billy took 2nd overall in 34:05, a new PR. The college kid took 1st in 33:39. Both Helen and Billy had great races and unexpectantly PR'd on a very hill course. It goes to show that the training we're doing is working. I of course wish things went differently for myself. I believe that if I'd had a proper warmup & better race morning eating, I could've contended for the win today. Next time, I will be ready!
