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9:15 AM

8.8 mi


7:10 mi



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Paced Nicole today for her race. She ran the Inagural Corvallis Half-Marathon and placed 5th overall in 1:32:19 (New PR by 14 minutes!!!). Good weather conditions and interesting but fun course. Started at mile 5 and paced Nicole all the way to mile 13. Enjoyed motivating her and helping her to pass her competitors and move from 11th female to 5th!!! She had a great little battle with a girl for the second half of the race but pulled away from her with a mile to go! Also counting half mile warm up with Helen running out to the 5 mile marker from the fairgrounds and .25 cooldown with the girls after the race.

*My athlete Becky Manuel won the race in a time of 1:24:23!!!!! Beating another female with a spectacular sprint finish to the tape. Wished I could've been there to see it happen!!! She won $250 for 1st! WOW!!!

*My athlete Billy Strick won the Vernonia Half Marathon in a time of 1:15:34, setting the course record and also PR'ing by a large margin.
