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12:08 PM

14 mi


7:13 mi


33 F


9 / 10
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YMCA Track


Wow. Awesome workout with Liana today at the YMCA track. This was a very important workout for Liana to do before her marathon in 2.5 weeks. She did AMAZING. I was able to pace her the entire workout minus the cooldown as I had to go to work. Today's workout was the perfect mixture of everything: tempo, hills, and intervals all rolled into ONE WORKOUT! This creates the ultimate stimulus for an athlete's body. We started with a 3 mile easy warm up around the bark chip trail above the track and then went out and back up Terwilliger. When we got back, liana and I did some strides and Liana did her pre-workout dynamic stretching. Then we nailed out the 3 mile tempo run. Ended up avg. 5:56 pace which was fine. Body felt good and easily manageable to me, Liana said that it worked her pretty good. Next we jogged about a half mile up Terwilliger to the hill sprint location and performed 6 x 30 sec. sprints. We both felt good doing these. Back down to the track for 2 mile tempo. Avg. 5:49 pace for her with me always coming in about 2-3 seconds faster than Liana as I was up front pacing her. I began to notice the hurt during this 2 mile tempo. Jogged back up the hill and put out another 4 x 30 sec. hill sprints with the last one a 38 hill sprint. These definitely felt tougher too but good. Half mile recovery jog back to the track for the final segment of our workout: 2 x 400m + 4 x 200m (1 mi worth of fast). These were great as we got to run fast and finish on a speedier note. I felt good on these but they definitely hurt. All of them. When Liana finished she let out her famous groan. Job well done for both of us, especially for Li. I had to hurry back to my car so I could leave to work on time so I didn't get to do the cooldown with her. Otherwise great day, no weather problems other than it being COLD, and solid effort for Liana which should give her confidence going into Sunday's 10K tuneup race (Y2K11).
