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9:30 AM

21.1 km


4:39 km


20 C


10 / 10
3 / 10


One of the worst races I have run - just had no endurance. Harder than it should have been getting to 3miles, then felt a bit better through to 5-6miles. Up to 7miles was ok, then started to fall apart. Thought I would push through to 10miles and take a break And did take a short break at a water stop. Felt a little better after a gel but was really slow after around 9miles and crawling along after 10mile. Last gel at 11miles gave me some energy, but still walked a little on the last hill and was passed by a few runners near the end.

Bit dismal - if I want to run well I need to focus onthis, build some endurance and lose some weight. Too heavy and too much muscle at the moment.
