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12:00 PM

42.2 km


4:11 km


8 C


9 / 10
10 / 10


Surprisingly only a 9 for effort from a marathon. This felt a bit quick in the first few km, but settled down and by halfway felt easy. Splits were very even, and actually a negative split after a fast last 2.2km. My only concern was whether cramps or tiredness would creep up on me, and this stopped me pushing hard until late. Everything actually went fine and I had enough in the tank to pass 39 runners in the last 2.2km. Drafted a fair bit and never felt too pushed. Took Powergels at approximately 10/20/25/30/35/40km but not exactly at these points and took the 2 salt tablets too. Not sure the salt made a difference, felt a tummy upset coming on after taking them.

Great race, certainly my easiest marathon and Beppu is a favourite marathon destination. Definitely going back next year.
