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8:00 AM

115.6 km


26.93 km / hr


78 kg
145 bpm
182 bpm



Big day.

Chilly in the early AM - met up with Bevan, Vanessa on their dream machines, and Ben K and Ross F tagged along too.

Some great new back roads out behind Niseko, Konbu and Rankoshi and straight into a killer headwind for 25k out to the turnaround at the sea. Wind so strong blowing us sideways...!

Back toward home on new roads again and some killer climbs.

Stoked to crunch big gears the whole morning, into the wind and up the steeps.

Said goodbye to the two roadies and climbed some more. Absolutely slaughtered by the effort in the wind and hills once the three of us made it back to Bev and Vanessa's for a quick change out to smash a brick run.

Yew! Flying, but hurtin'.
