Bike: Interval Previous Next


9:00 AM

40.4 km


26.88 km / hr


78 kg



HK Tritons Tri ClubTraining Camp Day 2:

The group cruised out slowly to the wide roads below the Hanazono Golf Course and warmed-up on a steady-easy-moderate-easy-hard-easy 1 min intervals.

Test 1 - VO2 Max:

5 min hard tempo up the Goshiki climb.

Turn around after 5 mins and report max and av. HR to Kevin.

15 mins recovery spinning.

Test 2 - Anaerobic Threshold:

20 min sustained effort up the Goshiki climb.

Almost had heart failure, 20 mins is a long time to push tempo up a steep climb.

Everyone left on 30 second intervals, I left 2nd last, passed a few folks on the way up, and found out that I made it to the highest point (almost summit!)after 20 minutes! Pretty stoked about that!

Turn around after 20 mins, bomb to the bottom and report max and av. HR to Kevin

Straight off the bike and into run gear - holy shit! Strugging with spaghetti legs!
