Run: Easy Previous Next


6.5 mi


7:46 mi


Picked up dinner (ziti and chicken parm) at Deco's because Liz had school work to do and I wanted to run and not worry about cooking tonight. I was pretty tired at the end of the day after spending about 8 hours standing at the MSTCA relays, but most of this run was pretty pleasant. I was ready to crash hard after dinner though.

Pretty solid day for SHS at the meet. 18:36.53 4x1600 school record was really fun, then some solid running from the JV 4x800 and the DMR. 3:33 for Francesco and 4:44 for Havish was pretty good, I'm confident that those guys can run under 4:50 in the mile right now. Havish might even sneak under 4:40 in 3 weeks at the league meet. 2:01 for Adam in the SMR on the way to a school record and it looked so easy, sub-2 for him this season too?? Can he scare Niko's record???
