Run: Long Previous Next


12.9 mi


6:57 mi


Long run with Lucas! We started a little fast and I was prepared to blame him but I think he thought I was the one making us running fast, so maybe we both just went in with the wrong expectations and fed off eachother. Lots of wind for the first 3 miles, which combined with the slight uphill made it a tough start to the run. I felt pretty good for the rest of it, maybe a hair faster than relaxed, but I would have done a progression run if I was on my own today so I was fine with that. Good to get out for another solid long run this weekend and my IT band felt pretty much perfect the whole time!

Enjoyed some pizza, beer and coffee in Providence with Sage and Liz afterward but I think the coffee might have kept me up a little which wasn't great when I had a 5am alarm.
