Run: Easy Previous Next


8.1 mi


7:25 mi


Loving the bike path extension, I hope they never pave it. Got out late, almost 7pm, but enjoyed the run and listened to the end of this week's Letsrun podcast and most of Citius' interview with Connor Mantz and Clayton Young. Not as big a fan of Citus' podcast as I once was but it was pretty interesting hearing these guys talk about how they think about training and racing for the marathon and how they take more risks now than they used to.

It occured to me tonight that maybe some of my on and off (but mostly on) achilles soreness is from running in fairly stiff shoes. I think I'll try something more flexible the next time I pick up new shoes and see how that feels. The cloudmonsters are definitely a bit stiffer than most shoes I have ever run in, but getting less stiff as they accumulate mileage.
