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11:40 AM

9.2 mi


1.83 mi / hr


128 lb


16 C


I'm quite sure it was warmer than 16...or maybe that's because we hiked unprepared without water or any sustenance for 5 or 6 hours (who knows!). Was wearing adidas adios--not good for the technical trails and walking on huge beach rocks! Was so freaked out by scrabbly sounds in the trails -- black bear and cougar warnings were posted EVERYWHERE!! Stopped A LOT to take tons of photos and Tom's foot hurt...have to admit that when I heard the scrabbly sounds, I was pushing him to go faster....was actually contemplating just leaping over him and getting the hell out of dodge....but that's what a mean person would do....the few other hikers we ran into in the trail (not on the beach) seemed really unconcerned with the bear and cougar warnings....mind you, they seemed to be from all over the world and maybe don't actually realize that the cougars (and some of the bears) here actually shred people??
