Run: Easy Previous Next


26.2 mi


9:49 mi


184 lb
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<No name>


Really great race after a 9.5 year hiatus! Awesome to see Jodi, kids and family at miles 11, 21 and the finish. I felt pretty good the entire way and while my last mile show 11:35 pace, I'm not exactly sure how. I felt like I was on the normal pace of 9:48 but either way, I'll take it. Some nutrition info below for future races.

Hydrated with water well the day before. Ate shrimp pasta for dinner night before and had another bowl before bed.

Tylenol PM at 8PM the night before.

Went to sleep a bit later than I'd like - around 11:00.

Woke up at 5:45am. Ate a PB bagel 1.5 hours before race.

During race I usually had at least some Gatorade and water at each stop.

GU: 6, 16, 20

Fruit snacks: 11, 23

Ibuprofen: 3 prior to race, 3 at mile 10, 2 at mile 20.

First Half: 2:09:21

Last Half: 2:07:36

LASTMI: 11:35
