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6:52 AM

11.8 mi


10:22 mi

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11.2 + LL


This was not a good morning. Got my car stuck trying to park, then I eventually pulled off somewhere and parked and ended up getting a $40 ticket. Christ. BUT, ran this with Andrea and some dude in shorty shorts, no shirt, and carrying his iphone to use as his gps (in the rain, might I add). Nice dude, but he also said... "red trail" or "white trail" everytime we ran by it (Which, is a LOT). Also showed us the cross country course and at the steeplechase he told us that that's where his state championships were or some shit. Jesus christ I was so annoyed. I didn't ask for a guided tour of the 11.2.

Anyway... the run part was really good. Always enjoy running with Andrea, she challenges me just enough to be hard, but doable. Basically, the perfect running partner.

I think this is the fastest I've ever done the 11.2
