Run: Easy Previous Next


8.8 mi


7:24 mi

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<No name>


F this, I'm biting the bullet and calling myself injured for now. Not going to keep running myself into a painful trot... it's more likely for Achilles to get suddenly worse than for them to get suddenly better. This run started off okay, first mile felt fine, but they were getting tight/painful by the end of 2mi. Stopped to massage/release/stretch them, got going again, fine for a little while but repeat story at the end of 4mi. Repeat again at 6.5mi, at which point things were honestly feeling too risky. Played it safe and went very slow the rest of the way (~8min pace) but they honestly were painful even there.

So going to take at least the next week biking to take the stress off them and really focusing on strengthening exercises (light to start). We'll see from there. It just doesn't seem wise to keep muscling through sub-par runs and having to limp around for a good chunk of the rest of the day. Let's sort this out...
