Health: Injured? Ruminations Previous Next



7 hrs


First off, I want to say that I'm proud of myself. 4xmi @ tempo was 7:02, 6:53. 52. 51 so 3x1.5@10k / 6:41 was going to hurt. I think the main takeaway from Tuesday's 5x1km @ 5k and Thursdays 3x1.5@10k is that I've forgotten how to be comfortable being uncomfortable so I will practice more.

Jason paced me Thorsday morning and while there was a slight downhill for the start of the workout, the end hit the Equalizer! brutal and I stopped 1.1 miles into the interval. I was weak. Thankfully I rallied after 14 seconds and I was proud that I made myself do another .5 mi @ pace even uphill but I will start doing the workouts I planned instead of setting out too fast and then tweaking the workout.

examples of how I've been weak:

Tuesday I had thought to run 3x2000@10k + 3x1KM @ 5k + 3x 600 @ 3k.

I got 2 minutes in at faster than 5k pace and just decided to go 5x1k. That's a hard and useful workout but it's not what I was going for.

On Thursday (as stated above) I got into the first rep and realized 10k pace is work and my legs don't love it (i.e. there's some lactate). If I was alone I would have run either 1.5 + 1.25 + 1 or even 1.5 + 1 + 1... I had Jason with me so I couldn't do that but I did take a brief breather at the bottom of the equalizer. Thankfully I got back on the horse and ran some extra distance to account for it. Holding cadence late in those workouts is really difficult .

tl;dr; I was weak, but redeemed myself a little but I will do better!!! I've done tempos a ton lately and while off-road tempos are fun, I need to re-aquianit myself with the pain that comes from running faster than that.


Ok the downside. After Thorsday I went swimming at 11. I planned to swim 1km super easy as active recovery. I felt fine after warmup so I swam 8x25 sprint.... OOPS. When I got out my right ankle was plantarflexed and calf cramped so hard the lifeguard had to come push my foot back to dorsiflexion. Not only did the calf hurt all day, and today as well, but it also hurt my heel which I believe is plantar fasciitis and I've had lightly before this but it always seemed to go away in the morning.

I am letting my streak die. It is dead. I must heal before my race.


I am clearly unhappy about not running, even though I understand it's better for me but the real issues are:

1. I drank 2 beers last night.

2. I splurged on donuts and ate 5 this morning.

This is undoing a lot of great work I've done to avoid alcohol and go from above 170-to less than 165lbs. In fact, while not running is the right time to double down on that with minimal cost. I will control my urges and keep them to a reasonable level (i.e. 1 beer or 1 donut).
