Health: MMJE Previous Next



162 lb
41 bpm
6.5 hrs


Most of last week was ... interesting...

Monday I was a bit sore but ran decently. Then the derecho happened and everything changed....

the plus: Lots of crosstraining cutting and hauling logs, lots of sleep, kids playing board games and talking to each other.

the bad: trails closed, sidewalks closed, too tired to run

Pulled things together enough at the end of the week to get some easy running in but also had acouple binge drink sessions that ruined the weekends sleep. I went into Saturday feeling great, roll into Monday feeling quite rough.

Goal for this week is to just re-establish the routine of running 6 times. Mileage doesn't matter, workouts and long runs can happen (or not) but don't matter. 8 hour workdays + a run is important.
