Health: Friday Journal Previous Next



161 lb
41 bpm
5.5 hrs


Quick update:

1. Training is going really well. Completed a CV workout, ran lots of miles! Taking a day off today.

2. Sleep has been really inconsistent. Mostly due to getting up early, but also due to some gaming/staying up late.

3. Alcohol ... I am an alcoholic. I just need to stop cold turkey because I don't do just 1.

Thinking about implementing 4DX for personal goals. Long term goals are still:

1. Sub 5 mile

2. Sub 90 HM

3. Sub 19 5k

4. PR at LHF!

So immediate WiGs are:

1. Take weight from 16x -> 150 by October 1.

2. Build Aerobic Endurance by running 60mpw 3/4 weeks 45mpw recovery weeks (average 55mpw) until October!


1. Running 60mpw 3/4 weeks 45mpw recovery weeks (average 55mpw) until October!

2. Improve nutrition by eating fruit & veggies w/ both lunch and dinner 6 days/week until September.

3. Do NOT eat or drink anything but water after 8PM!

Now. I need a highly visible scorecard, and maybe recruit Megan/ Kids to help me.
