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166.2 lb
5.5 hrs


Been awhile since I did one of these...

* I continue to drink a beer a night. Oh well,

* got my labs back: Blood Sugars good, HDL awesome (91) total Chol high but ratio good (3.1).

* Slept poorly the last two nights, need to fix that (again)

* I'm losing weight!!! mostly by eliminating snacking and only eating at meals or having a piece of fruit if I'm really hungry

* Workouts are going well. Other than the long run w/ progression on a humid Sunday I've just nailed everything from Jason. We'll see if he increases paces or what but it feels good to knock em out of the park and he seems ok if I rip the last rep.

* Thorsday was fuckin amazing today. The first couple miles were tough to ease into but after that it just flew by and the strides were easy and the hills weren't bad. 10/10. Love days like this.

* Heel is sore again post Thorsday, gotta do my heel drops!!

Plan for this weekend is easy run w/ strides at lunch + practice wetsuit + open water swim at 6. On Saturday the plan is to just send it. Full send, nothing held back, crash and burn baby. BET ON YOURSELF.

Eating log:

Pre-Thorsday: half banana (50)+ Venom (15) = 65

Post-Thorsday: half banana (50) + Venom + honey nut Cheerios w/ Milk (140) + 2 handfulls Peanuts (280) = 485 == 540

Post Doc Appointment (Bruegers) = Twice Baked Hashbrown (180) + Smoked Salmon Sandwich on Everything bagel (460) = 640 == 1200

Lunch - SW Salad (610) + Cutie (40) + Apple Pie (300) = 950 == 2150
