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173.8 lb
43 bpm
7.5 hrs


First off a quick retrospective:

a single tempo workout a week and about 30mpw has been working great for getting into decent shape. I'm not sure how well I will race off it but it's a good start.

Swimming has been a nice crosstraining both for the aerobic stimulous and for the fact that it loosens up my back very nicely.

Running wise I think it's time to progress to 35mpw and a second B quality workout. Ideally one week is long tempo-like (i.e. progression or something like 2x20min @ 7:45 pace) erring on the side of easier paces and less stress. I'd like to alternate those weeks with hill work to build strength and speed. Simple things like 8x:30 hills should work if I control the effort to 3k-5k effort instead of 800-mile. Alternatively, skip the second workout if a race is available (i.e. Palo 5k). Secondly I need to focus on doing my neruomuscular stuff: short hill sprints, hill strides and strides! Long term some basic raw speedwork (5x60m - full recovery) may be a good idea as I'm clearly losing some of that with age but lets work into it with the hill sprints first.

Weights? -- need to be a priority. Maybe not weights per se but body weight stuff, specifically banded shuffles for the hips and nordic curls for the hamstrings. Other simple stuff like calf raises and planks are always good. Try to add ~10 min of work on after easy runs and can progress onto plyometrics eventually.

Swimming: ? Keep on keeping on. Mostly easy swimming with a touch of threshold when feeling good. Lots of drills but mostly the idea is just a second aerobic session that doesn't impact the legs much. 3-4 times a week.

Health wise - continue to watch what you eat and try and sneak under 170 lbs by the end of the month.

Sample 2 week cycle:

Mon: Easy Run + hill sprints + 10' bodyweight

PM: easy swim

Tue: Tempo Tuesday (20 min tempo, rowland tempo, Aussie Qs etc)

PM: Easy Swim

Wed: Recovery Run + Strides + 10' bodyweight

Thur: Long Run (Thorsday)

PM: Easy Swim

Fri: Easy Run w/ hill strides + 10' bodyweight

PM: Easy Swim

Sat: Long Tempo Stuff - i.e. 2x20' @ LT + :30 or Progression run

PM / Brick: be active w/ the kids! or longish bike ride - especially mtn bike

Sun: OFF

Mon: Easy Run + hill sprints + 10' bodyweight

PM: easy swim

Tue: Tempo Tuesday (20 min tempo, rowland tempo, Aussie Qs etc)

PM: Easy Swim

Wed: Recovery Run + Strides + 10' bodyweight

Thur: Hill Workout - i.e. 2 sets of 30/60/90/120 second hills w/ Jog down and 3 min jog between sets.

PM: Easy Swim

Fri: Easy Run w/ hill strides + 10' bodyweight

PM: Easy Swim

Sat: Long Tempo Stuff - Progression run

PM / Brick: be active w/ the kids!

Sun: OFF
