Swim: Free Style Previous Next


2500 m


2:24 / 100m


159.6 lb
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<No name>


Milky Way Masters

Only had to bow out of one rep, got a bit behind on the 10x50 in 1:00 and only got 7 done but managed to hang on at the end for all of 8x25 in :30. I was just generally uncomfortable most of the time and had trouble w/ 4 stroke breathing dropping to two stroke most of the time which I think is harder on my right shoulder (see below).

In the bad news my right shoulder is clearly sore so I need to get my form figured out ASAP. I think I'm going to drop cycling for a bit in order to get some short swims in at the MAC. Goal will be to practice rotation and bi-lateral breathing. I'm also strongly considering buying some fins, a snorkel and paddles. Secondary goal is flip turn practice. I honestly think that will be technically easy and the hardest part is that I don't feel comfortable most days... gotta get out of my own head.

Did 150m at the end as CD as slow as possible and felt really good there, trying to pull with my lats instead of shoulder/tricep.

gonna leave this note here from slowtwitch forums (note that my stroke is not "wide" and I never feel my lats)

I had issues with not keeping my elbows high enough in the water, once I worked on that and kept my stroke wider (think paddling on a surfboard) I started feeling the lats much more. There's quite a few videos on you tube that may help, if the link doesn't work just search Dave Scott as he has some good videos, then you'll find plenty of other useful videos from there. There's also one with Sheila Taromina using the Halo system that shows the elbow and wide stroke real well. If you try that I would have to think you'll discover your lats in the pool rather quickly.

Dave Scott link


Sheila using the Halo link

